Monday, December 22, 2008

thank god it's not christmas

I'm not a Christmas-y type of gal... and the omni-presence of Christmas music this time of year comes just short of infuriating me. But in my usual trolling of YouTube I did find three tunes of a Christmas-y flavour that I actually enjoy. So I thought I would step outside of my comfort zone and share them with you now.

Bowie & Bing... an unlikely match made in heaven, no? I find Bowie's voice particularly resplendent in that song. And their banter at the beginning is just precious.

SLADE! I adore Slade... Noddy Holder is one of my favorite rock singers ever (and dig those CHOPS!). This song is an absolute classic in the UK but of course... we know nothing of it here. Oh, if only all Christmas songs rocked this hard.

Oh yes! My beloved Sparks! This clip contains two tracks, This Town and Thank God It's Not Christmas (one of my top three Sparks tunes). Christmas starts around the three minute mark but This Town is definitely worth watching as well.

For the sake of honesty, there are two additional Christmas songs I enjoy. The first is The Bells. It is a glorious thing indeed to hear in person a good choir blend their voices together to weave the tapestry of this song. And I simply adore the song What Child Is This. This has always been my favourite Christmas song, since the days when I was a child attending candle-lit Midnight Masses with my mother. This song, to this day, always causes me to erupt in chills. It is so very dark & gentle... midnight blue punctuated by stars... just the way I wanted to picture the Nativity.

Dear friends, I wish to end this Yule-tide post by saying how very thankful I am for you all. As far as friendships go, I am the richest person in the world. I am constantly amazed at the talented, creative, compassionate and down-right amazing folks the Universe has placed in my life. Know that I do not take you for granted. Have a wonderful Yule and come over to my house for some mulled wine!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Had to explain to my wife who "slade" was after hearing "c'mon feel the noise" remake on the radio.

saw them here in Omaha with Thin Lizzy and Nazareth once upon a time.