Ahhhh.... beautiful, glorious David Tennant. Who is David Tennant? In addition to being one of many of my future ex-husbands, he is also the Tenth Doctor. So what is he doing in the photograph? Apparently Polish pianist André Tchaíkowsky donated his body to science under one condition, that his skull be used in a Royal Shakespeare Company of Hamlet. The trouble came when all potential Hamlets refused to use the real human skull in the Yorick scene... that is until the baddest of bad ass Time Lords stepped up to plate. If you've seen what this man can do to a Dalek, it should be no wonder that a wee little skull didn't scare him.
I've been listening to a heap of George Jones lately, so I quite enjoyed the music, haircuts and awesome awesome outfits in this clip:
Here's another one of my favorite ol' timey country tunes:
Click here for a lovely optical illusion. Hint: the slower you go, the better it works!
As usual, I have been obsessively watching Sparks clips. I was delighted to find this one, Big Surprise. I love Russell Mael's precious little outfit, but Ron Mael trumps it with a surprise of his own towards the end of the clip. Dig. It.
Here's an amazing poem written by an amazing man, my dear brother Mr Jack Meriwether.
Lesson from a Walk Signal
almost stumbled off the curb
only three PM, still i squint
to make out the constellation of the humanoid hieroglyph
saying 'it's ok to walk now,
you will not be barrelled over
by the intricately forged pieces of metal that
left so many other, more ignorant creatures with just 2 dimensions.
'they will leave you alone, look, this is how you walk, like this
it's ok to walk like this or any way you choose, or to stay where you are
for awhile longer, but make up your mind child
or i will flash you a red hand and you shouldn't walk
but if you do, you must hurry
and if you don't i will stay like this,
a red hand,
and offer no protection as one of your
dimensions is taken from you
for good.
but now it's okay to walk
and my professional opinion is
you should do it now.'
i step tentatively
off the curb
before i realise i've not been on the other side of this street
since 1999 or so and
will i remember my way around?
but i don't even wait for the warning hand
i've too much to lose by standing still
on a street corner
even at 3 pm
even if i might run into somebody over there i'd rather not see
even if i trip over the curb,
there is too much fire,
too much fire behind me to stand still now
I certainly wouldn't mind hanging about on a beach wearing fancy necklaces with these fellows:

One last thing... get an eyeful and earful of what I am in store for on New Years Eve:
Auto Club, dust off your cowboy suits & best hats because we're a-comin' !
Damn Stephana...seriously...I was laughing so hard at that last sparks clip..it is so genius. and I picked up kimono my house and have been blasting that shit all over my room. good recommendation! nice post, bye, collin
Glad you liked that clip, Collin. I seem to need a couple of doses of it a day just to feel normal. Does that make me a Sparks addict?
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