Friday, July 18, 2008

pictures at an exhibition

In a truly awesome move, the Smithsonian recently began a flickr stream of 2000 high quality, copyright-free photographs from their vast archives. Three cheers for one of the very few government organizations that makes me not swear off paying taxes all together. Here are some images I found whilst poking around the stream:

The first four are cyanotypes, taken by Thomas Smillie, the Smithsonian's first staff photographer:

Portrait of Felix Nadar (1820-1910), Photographer and Aeronautical Scientist:

The Smithsonian says, "Artists in costume at the Sherwood Studio Building. Identification on front (handwritten): Sherwood Studio Bldg. 58 W 57th St. 1889. (from left to right): Wm. Allen, Sullivant, Robt. Reid, Robt. Van Boskerck, Willard Metcalf, Sam Isham, Harry W. Watrous, Carleton Chapman, Herbert Denman."

Portrait of marine painter Edward Moran:

A beautiful photograph (from photographer R.A. Whiteside) from one of my favourite things, powwow. I can't wait for this year's Crow Fair:

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