Saturday, July 5, 2008

Musical tom-foolery

Here is some YouTube tom-foolery of a musical nature... beginning with the best video ever, courtesy the immortal Jan Teri:

Some Swedish wackiness:

From the absolutely epic film Streets of Fire (if you've ever wondered what Willem DeFoe looks like in pleather over-alls, it's the film for you):

This one is actually pretty awesome. In the 80s, Ricky Gervais (of the BBC series The Office and Extras) had a band called Seona Dancing. And, amazingly enough, they were not terrible...

Good ol' Ernie Kovacs:

This one is comedic genius. And watch for the monkey falling off the donkey...

I whole-heartedly love this song. It's Dean & the Weenies from the film Mondo New York:

And I leave you with a special treat. The next two videos comprise the full recording of my beloved Cramps performing live at Napa Valley Mental Hospital. Seriously. PS~ I have a major crush on the guitar player Bryan Gregory (RIP)...

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